Seeing with the Brain

For the past 4 days I have been obsessed with Symphony of Science’s “Ode to the Brain.” I’ve literally listened to it over and over; I find the video both clever and hauntingly beautiful. Here the internet trend of auto-tuning has been re-purposed to help make education about the brain more accessible. Not only is the knowledge made more consumer friendly,  it’s catchy. I’ve been caught singing “it explodes into enormous collage” out loud several times this weekend. In fact,  I found the scientists’ descriptions of the brain so beautiful,  I’ve sought out additional information on how the brain works.

It makes me hope that as technology evolves, that schools and education don’t get left behind. There are incredible ways to augment the learning experience with innovation. If a YouTube video can lead me to invest more time in learning about the brain, imagine how much intellectual curiosity could be stirred up with a little bit more creativity?

We see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well. Seeing with the brain is often called imagination.-Oliver Sacks

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  • Hughesism

    A delicious treat!!

    I heart Carl Sagan and this “Ode to the Brain”.